
The HOA is now
looking for volunteers for the following committees:
Architectural Review
Grounds & Recreation
Please, Help Us
Help You! Please
E-Mail the board with any grading, drainage, landscaping and playground
deficiencies you notice in the common areas! Also, please inform us of any
drainage problems or dead trees on your property. This will help us point
out any problems to the builder during the transition phase of our
development. Thank you!!!!!! |
Trash Day Is
Trash may be placed curbside no more
than 24 Hours before the scheduled collection day and removed 24 Hours after
Please Do....
 | Continue to use plastic bags, especially for food
waste. This will help keep the container clean and odor-free. |
 | Simply roll the cart out on collection day, and place
the can at the bottom of the driveway in the same spot your container was
delivered. Make sure the arrow points toward the street as directed on the
lid. |
 | Make sure the container is clear of mailboxes, poles,
parked cars or any other obstructions. |
Please Don't.... Don't place any of the following materials in the container:
No recyclables |
No bulk waste (see below for bulk collection dates) |
No brush |
No household hazardous materials |
No flammables, paints or thinners |
No remodeling or construction debris |
No hot ashes |
No metal pieces or items |
curbside recyclables are collected by Burlington County.
Items collected are as follows:
Glass bottles &
jars |
Aluminum & steel
food and beverage cans |
Empty aerosol cans
(remove cap, leave nozzle) |
Plastic bottles
only (must have a #1 or #2 symbol on bottom) |
Newspaper and
Cardboard |
Used Motor Oil
Public Works -
501 Evesboro-Medford Rd.
Weekdays 8am-3pm & Saturday Morning
Woodstream MUA -
Brandywine Dr.
Weekdays 7:30am-2:30pm
Kings Grant MUA -
Taunton Lake Rd.
Weekdays 7:30am-2:30pm
Household Battery
Municipal Building - 984
Tuckerton Rd.
Weekdays 8:30am-4:30pm
Household Hazardous Waste
The Department of Public Works will collect
hazardous materials at their facility on the first Saturday of every month
between 8:00 am and 12:00 PM. Dropping off materials will not be permitted at
any other time. There is no fee for the service and proof of residency is
required. The following materials are considered household hazardous waste:
Flammables (i.e.
oil-based paint, paint thinner) |
Toxics (i.e.
acids, weed killer, pool chemicals) |
Insecticides, Herbicides |
Corrosives (i.e.
oven cleaner, ammonia-based cleaner) |
Lead Acid
Batteries (i.e. car, truck, motorcycle) |
Batteries (i.e. lithium, button, nickel cadmium) |
Additional Items
(oil, antifreeze, propane cylinders, fluorescent bulbs) |
Bulk Collection
Debris must be
cut into 4-foot lengths, bundled and tied (i.e. wood and carpet).
Bundles can not
exceed 40 pounds. |
Place bulk to be
collected away from automated containers and other obstacles.
Bulk Waste
Collection Guidelines
Your bulk collection day
will be the first trash collection day of the month. If your bulk collection day
falls on a holiday bulk trash will be collected on your next regular trash day.
Bulk collection is defined as items too big to fit in the container which cannot
be recycled (TV, Box spring, mattress, etc.).